A Helping Hand

The Crisis Nursery understands many families are isolated with little or no support systems. They offer a helping hand when parental stress caused by illness, addiction, domestic violence, homelessness and other issues overwhelms a parent.

The goal of the Crisis Nursery program is to provide overburdened parents with facilitated breaks, crisis counseling, stress reduction therapy, family stability and positive parenting education. The Crisis Nursery offers supportive services that link parents and caregivers to community resources to help them cope and problem-solve.

Our services are free to anyone in need.

The Crisis Nursery (Bloomington and Rockford) is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.

Who We Serve

Parents can use the Crisis Nursery as often as needed.

The top reasons parents use the Crisis Nursery include the following:

  • homelessness
  • domestic violence
  • mental health/substance abuse issues
  • home crisis
  • and for medical and other appointments.

New participants must contact the 24-hour crisis line and speak with a staff to schedule the initial intake. 

(309) 834-5260 

What We Provide

Parents do not need to bring items with them to the Crisis Nursery. Necessities including diapers, wipes, formula, etc., are provided to parents as needed.

Parents are screened for postpartum depression and domestic violence the first time they use the Crisis Nursery and are given a list of available resources in the community.

Services are scheduled per each individual participant. Each visit can be anywhere from 4 to 72 hours. Parents may admit each child up to 30 times per year.

Crisis Nursery Fact Sheet 2024

Where We Serve

Counties Served:

McLean, Woodford, Livingston, Ford, Piatt, DeWitt, Logan, Tazewell, Winnebago, Boone

For services in:

McLean, Woodford, Livingston, Ford, Piatt, DeWitt, Logan, Tazewell

Brightpoint Central Regional Office

403 South State Street

Bloomington, IL, 61701

For services in:

Winnebago, Boone

Brightpoint Northern Regional Office

424 7th Street

Rockford, IL, 61104

Without the Crisis Nursery, I don’t think I would have my children anymore. Between losing my job and my wife being hospitalized, my life fell apart and the one thing that held our family together was the crisis nursery. William, Dad who has used the Crisis Nursery
Our goal is to help them see their strengths again and believe in their ability to be good parents and move their children in a helpful, healthy, direction forward. Stephanie Caltagerone, Family Support Services Supervisor, Rockford Crisis Nursery & Rockford Doula Program

Crisis Nursery Congressional Act of 1986

Crisis Nurseries were developed through the Crisis Nursery Congressional Act of 1986 to provide holistic prevention and intervention services to families with young children who were in crisis.

Opened in 1998, our services are free to anyone in need.

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