Youth Services

The Youth Services program aims to prevent at-risk children from becoming homeless, foster care and involvement in the juvenile justice system and to increase family reunification/preserve and stabilize families.

The program provides family counseling and crisis intervention to runaway, locked out, and homeless youth. Counseling services include the family and addresses boundary setting, conflict resolution, positive communication, and stress management. Case management services focus on meeting the youth’s basic needs and provides employment and education support, as needed.

We provide services for youth 11-17 who have been locked out of the home/parents will not allow them to return home, have run away from home, are beyond the control of their parents and in immediate physical danger, or are homeless without their parents.

For a crisis (youth is refusing to return home, is locked out, or has nowhere to go that night) during office hours contact a Youth Services supervisor.

We offer this program in the following areas:

Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Franklin, Greene, Jackson, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Montgomery, Perry, St. Clair, Washington and Williamson

Transitional Youth Services

The Homeless Youth program is a holistic model designed to increase the safety of youth ensuring that their basic survival needs are met while also providing safe and stable housing, education and employment services, and the life skills necessary to become self-sufficient. We serve youth (ages 14 – 23), including pregnant or parenting participants, who need safe and stable housing. We also provide counseling, case management and referrals to other community providers, including those that provide substance abuse counseling, medical care, and dental care.

We offer this program in the following areas:

Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Montgomery, St. Clair and Washington

Youth Violence Prevention Services

The program aims to provide high-risk youth with evidence-based intervention services that reduce involvement in the criminal and juvenile system, increase school attendance, and when necessary, refer high-risk youth into therapeutic programs that address trauma recovery and other mental health improvements.

The Youth Intervention service providers work closely with Youth Development providers and conveners to provide mental health education and services. Navigators will use a strength based, family centered approach to develop participant-driven goals and support youth in engaging with services through referrals that will guide them to reach specific goals

We offer this program in the following areas:

We partner with youth ages 14-24 years old who reside in Cook County (Greater Englewood, Chicago Lawn)

Juvenile Justice Programs

We partner with youth (ages 13 – 21) who are involved in the juvenile justice system.

Youth incarceration costs the state of Illinois over $100 million per year. More than a quarter of these youth, who are nonviolent, are commonly sent to correctional facilities for evaluation to determine their rehabilitation needs. Research shows that there is a viable alternative to youth incarceration. 

Judges refer youth to the program from court jurisdictions in St. Clair and Madison counties.

We offer this program in the following areas:

St. Clair and Madison

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