We know prevention works, and we are committed to working with families before small problems become life-altering crises.
At Brightpoint, we put families and children at the forefront of every decision we make.
We promise to be brave with our families and support their brave choices because we know strong families create thriving children.
Our Programs & Services
Parent Support
We provide parents and caregivers with support and resources through our doula, home visiting, family support, and fatherhood services.
Child Welfare
We provide guidance and tangible support, and our staff walk alongside families as they navigate solutions to strengthen their ability to nurture their children and prevent fixable challenges from becoming life-altering crises.
Mental Health & Wellness
We provide comprehensive behavioral health services to parents, children and youth across Illinois, including individual, family, and group therapy.
Early Childhood Care & Education
We partner with families to help determine the best option for child care and education that is affordable, high quality and fits their needs.
Youth Services
We provide youth with job placement, mentorship and therapeutic programs that are essential for positive relationships with their families and communities.
Our Impact in a Year
Children remained with their families and did not enter foster care through dedicated support to strengthen their families.
Youth participated in programs to reduce risk factors and ensure their success at home, in school and in their community.
Families coached by home visitors to transform their children’s future.
It’s also about being compassionate and having fun. Doulas love the miracle of childbirth. No two pregnancies are the same, even when it’s the same mom and she’s having her second or third child. Each time is a thrill.Jasmine Martin, Doula Program Supervisor
The Stronger Beginnings program is a piece of our life. We have had the home visitor in our home on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for almost 8 years. She is no longer a home visitor, she’s family. She has been with us through our good times and our tough onesKatie, Mom
It’s just a momentous change because of this program. Because of my brothers. They sit and they talk to me. They don’t talk at me. Nobody in here put nobody down. And this is one of the greatest things that a father needs.Dad, Thriving Fathers & Families
Where We Serve
We are in the places where it’s proven to be the most effective: at home, in the classroom, and in the community.
Brightpoint engages with over 30,000 children, youth and families each year in 69 counties across Illinois.
Our Leadership
We are family-focused and motivated by a desire to put the needs of families first so that they, and their communities, thrive.
Our Core Beliefs
We believe the most important asset for a child and youth wellbeing is the family.
We believe racial and social equity is foundational.
We believe discrimination in all forms influences perceptions of families’ strengths and abilities which can lead to actions and interventions ultimately harmful to child and youth wellbeing.
We will replace what we currently think of as child welfare services with what we know to be child, family and community well being solutions.
We believe human potential is evenly distributed but opportunity is not.
We believe that social capital, economic mobility and other outcomes vital for children and youth to thrive should not be predicted by race or zip code.
Our Policy Practice & Innovation
Our Approach and Policy Agenda
Providing education and information to ensure sound public policies on behalf of children and families.
Youth Budget Commision
A new state budget analysis initiative that examines how much public funding is invested in youth.
The Ahlquist Agenda Podcast
An inside look at how we think about policy: why it matters and how it impacts youth, families, and communities.
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