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Our five main topics of Newsletters are Perspectives, The Sunburst, The Sunrise, Participant Stories, and messages from our CEO. Below is a short description about our topics:

Perspectives: Opinion pieces are shared on a specific issue that is related it any of our service categories, generally tied to a current event.

The Sunburst: Quick bite-sized Brightpoint updates and event highlights.

The Sunrise: Offers an authentic human experience, connected to why and what Brightpoint offers.

Participant Stories: Hear from our participants about their stories.

A Message from Our CEO: Our CEO, Mike Shaver, provides updates on organization wide information.

Read our latest newsletters



Perspectives: Changing the Diaper Math for Illinois families


Participant Stories: Good News About Dads

Participant Stories: Celebrating Black History Month


Participant Stories: Working full-time & parenting full-time is challenging

Perspectives: Systemic Change is Needed: Social Service Agencies Can’t Heal Trauma Alone


Perspectives: Reflections on Child Abuse Prevention Month: Strengthening Families is the Key


Perspectives: A new name, a bright chapter for Children’s Home & Aid


Perspectives: Strong families create thriving children


Participant Stories: Resilient Mom’s Journey: From Rainy Commutes to Bright Futures


Perspectives: The FY 24 Budget Puts Illinois Youth On the Path To Recovering From the Pandemic.

Participant Stories: Building a Village of Support for Families in Crisis

The Sunburst: Brightpoint’s Back-To-School Block Party & Mural Unveiling

Participant Stories: Ready for school, thanks to generous donors and community partners


Participant Stories: From Surviving to Thriving – With Your Help

Participant Stories: Butterfly Project: Healing Trauma by Supporting Families

The Sunrise: It Takes a Village – Youth Mental Health and Wellness


Participant Stories: Doula program supports new moms

The Sunburst: Advancing Fathers is now offering a Spanish speaking workshop!

Perspectives: Chicago students are in crisis. Here’s how we can help them heal.


Participant Stories: Mobility Mentoring

Perspectives: Early Childhood Programs can Address the Trauma of Migrant Families


Participant Stories: El Hogar Del Nino

A Message From CEO Mike Shaver

Participant Stories: Comprehensive Youth Development Services

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