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This is a rain or shine event-there is no alternate date.
Sharin’ of the Green Parade is an opportunity for our community to come together celebrate, “share the green” by donating to Brightpoint’s Central Region Home Visiting.
Brightpoint has been a resource for families of McLean County and the surrounding area for over 130 years. The agency offers a comprehensive array of services and programs, annually serving the needs of more than 3,000 children and families in McLean County and the surrounding area.
The parade route starts at the corner of School St and North St. (The Alamo) and moves east down North St. through Uptown Circle to Linden St.
To register for this event, use the online form! Online registration will also be available the day of the event in the staging area.
Participant Waiver:
Each participant must agree and sign the waiver!
As a driver/participant in this parade, we ask you to follow these rules for the safety of yourself and others:
Donate using this link!
Volunteers will sell t-shirts, line up participants, carry the flag, collect donations, throw candy, assist with crowd control, or other tasks as needed.
Sign up here! Fill out the volunteer waiver here.
For questions, contact Laura Cordero at
Learn how you can support Brightpoint through individual or company engagement opportunities!
Make your gift today to support programs and services that help children and families thrive!