Election Day is November 3, 2020. Voting is an important form of advocacy, now more than ever. By voting, you choose our leaders. Your voice helps the government shape its priorities – Not just for the candidate who will lead our country for the next four years, but for every local and state official on the ballot.
Children’s Home & Aid understands how vital it is to exercise the right to vote and to prioritize children, youth and families in the 2020 election. We would like to emphasize the importance of looking out for the needs of the vulnerable groups who can be impacted by this decision. From access to high-quality early education, to the foster care and youth service resources and more – there are numerous issues that can be affected by this election.
We are so grateful to our dedicated board members, such as Judi Jacobs of the Central Region Advisory Board, for using her voice to encourage others to vote through registration events in the Bloomington area. We will do whatever it takes to keep that momentum and to get out the vote!
Let’s continue putting the word out now, through November 3! To learn more, download our voter registration flyers here, in English and Spanish.